Saturday 5 January 2013

Quickest Time Management Tool Ever!

Do you run around like a headless chook somedays like me?
My favourite thing at the moment is to work out how to sqeeze more out of my day. I have read every book on time management, listened to nearly all podcasts and audio books on the subject and still shake my head some days at how little I acheive.
That is until I received an email in my inbox from Manager Tools ( just recently. They had a little snippet of information that caught my eye and it has been a god send to me. So much so I want to share it with you.

When you make a list for the day - just write a list with 3 things on it. Do those 3 things then come back and put another 3 on the list.
Since I have tried this it has worked for me and I am really smashing through my to-do lists. It gives me a better sense of control. And such a little piece of advice has made such a big difference to my life.
Give it a go and let me know how you get on.
There is a saying: How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time!

Or you can just do 3!

The Hobbit & Networking

I love networking. I think this is one of the most rewarding activities in business. I don't network to gain from others (even though people are always willing to help me solve an issue or if I am in need) But I network to get to know others, to learn outside the box, to increase my skills and to help others.

Networking is a really powerful skill to learn and you should aim to make it a part of your management tool box. How often do you catch up with a colleague for lunch?  To just to get to know them better and to build your relationship with them? My guess is never. I am guilty of letting people slip in my contact list as well.

It might be great to know everyone in the industry but in times of crisis if you haven't nurtured your network, your "everyone you know in the industry" might just be too busy.

Today I went to see the movie The Hobbit with my Mr Wonderful and although the movie wasn't about networking I found the story interesting how Gandalf, a wizard was always able to call on someone through out the quest to help him and the dwarf's in need. He was well respected and who ever he asked to help him never seemed to mind but in fact insisted on helping. This is networking at it's best.

So this year for January, go through your contact list and get in touch with a contact that you have let slip. Go for lunch, or a drink after work. Make contact and make a connection that is genuine. Build a relationship. You never know when you may need someone to help you on a quest.